
Lessons for Equine or Racing Industry

We offer private horsemastership lessons for all ages abilities.

These private lessons for both adults and children consist of learning about caring for a horse or pony.

Whether you're a horse owner looking to care for your own equine companion or an aspiring professional seeking a career with horses, we're here to provide the knowledge and support you need to achieve your goals.

Lessons Include:

  • Understanding horse behaviour and body language

  • Approaching and catching horses in paddocks, yards and stables

  • Putting on head collars, leading and tying up

  • Observation of horse welfare, illness and injury

  • Grooming and hosing

  • Correct saddling and bridling procedures (equestrian or racing industry)

  • Rugging and unrugging

  • Hoof care

  • Groundwork

  • Lunging

  • Best practices for shoeing, worming and vaccination

  • Stable work

    And much more…

Sessions are designed to suit individual needs.

Private lessons can be arranged any time between 9am – 4.30pm Monday to Friday

Reach Out to Start Your Equine Journey